Our clients are the best to describe how we work.
Juan Frigerio
Foster + Partners
"The experience of working hand in hand with CRIBA’s team for several challenge-filled years was intense and satisfying, both professionally and personally. We are proud to have worked with them to achieve a unique, atypical building, which has become the new image of the city"
Milagros Brito
Vizora Desarrollos Inmobiliarios
“We chose CRIBA to build Arboris Las Lomas, our first residential real estate development, for its seriousness and professionalism. Together we undertook the challenge of creating a new venture that today is a recognized in the market for an imprint that combines an intelligent design with spatiality and green spaces. We also worked together on our Madero Walk development, a complex floating event lounge project which required a highly innovative construction process. Thanks to CRIBA we were able to adapt to the demands of an atypical development and build a structure like no other in the country, something which makes us proud. We have been growing side by side with CRIBA for the past ten years and hope to continue doing so for the next ten.”
Companies we work with
- Urbania Desarrollos
- Mesit S.A.
- Altius Group
- Mirtan S.A.
- Argencons
- Banco Ciudad
- Banco Santander
- Bank Boston
- Belgrano Athletic Club
- Burger King
- Cargill
- Carval
- Casa FOA
- Centro Comercial Nordelta
- Centro Comercial Santa Bárbara
- Churba Emprendimientos
- Circulo Inmobiliario
- Clínica Finochietto
- Club Universitario de Buenos Aires
- Coca-Cola
- Colegio Michael Ham
- Comisión Municipal de la Vivienda
- Dirikon
- Francchino
- Fravega
- Fundación Bemberg
- Gobierno de la Ciudad de Bs. As.
- Gobierno de la Provincia de Chaco
- Grupo Romay
- Hoteles Accor
- Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días.
- Lever & Asociados
- Maternidad Sardá
- Municipalidad de San Isidro
- Pentamar
- S.C. Johnson & Son Argentina
- Sanatorio Mitre
- Sanatorio Santa Isabel
- Schneider Electric
- Shell
- Siderca
- Unilever
- Village Cinemas
- Vizora
Architectural Studios
- LGD Arquitectos
- Arq. Carlos Ott
- Estudio Carlos Ott Arquitectos + Carlos Ponce de León Arquitectos
- Studio MK27 (Arq. Marcio Kogan)
- Herrera Lussich - Arquitectos
- Foster & Partners
- César Pelli
- Clorindo Testa
- Edtudio Berdichevsky – Cherny
- Estudio Minond
- Gonzalo Suárez Aboy
- Biglieri – Llorens & Asociados
- BMA – Arquitectos
- Egozcue – Vidal + Pastorino – Pozzolo
- Estudio Sánchez Elía – Sepra
- Estudio Robirosa – Beccar Varela – Pasinato
- Mario Roberto Álvarez & Asociados
- Naylor Wentworth Lund architects – Aslan y Ezcurra
- Estudio Antonini – Schön – Zemborain
- Estudio Camps & Tiscornia
- Estudio Manteola – Sánchez Gomez – Santos – Solsona – Salaberry
- Caffarini & Vainstein Arquitectos
- Estudio Iannuzzi – Colombo
- Estudio Alvarado – Font – Sartorio
- Arq. Javier Fleider
- Estudio Parysow
- Estudio Gradel – Kopelioff
- Estudio Aslan y Ezcurra
- Arquitecto Coudannes & Asociados
- Estudio Lacroze – Miguens – Prati
- Estudio Duncan
- Arquitecto Vincent y Asociados
- Arquitecta María Gimena Binaghi
- Pfeifer - Zurdo Arquitectos
- Arq. Carlos Ott
- Ferrari Frangella
- ArquitectosMRA+AGonzáles
- Poggi Arquitectos Asociados
- Edgardo Minond - Arquitecto
- Galarregui– Busso Arquitectos
- Estudio Seggiaro Arquitectos
- GSA - Arquitectos
- Dirección General de Proyectos Urbanos de arquitectura de GCBA